
Flower supports a variety of authentication methods, including Basic Authentication, Google, GitHub, GitLab, and Okta OAuth. You can also customize and use your own authentication method.

The following endpoints are exempt from authentication:

  • /healthcheck
  • /metrics

HTTP Basic Authentication

Flower supports Basic Authentication as a built-in authentication method, allowing you to secure access to the Flower using simple username and password credentials. This authentication method is commonly used for straightforward authentication requirements.

To enable basic authentication, use basic_auth option. This option allows you to specify a list of username and password pairs for authentication.

For example, running Flower with the following basic_auth option will protect the Flower UI and only allow access to users providing the username user and the password pswd:

$ celery flower --basic-auth=user:pswd

See also Running behind reverse proxy

Google OAuth

Flower provides authentication support using Google OAuth, enabling you to authenticate users through their Google accounts. This integration simplifies the authentication process and offers a seamless experience for users who are already logged into Google.

Follow the steps below to configure and use Google OAuth authentication:

  1. Go to the Google Developer Console
  2. Select a project, or create a new one.
  3. In the sidebar on the left, select Credentials.
  4. Click CREATE CREDENTIALS and click OAuth client ID.
  5. Under Application type, select Web application.
  6. Name OAuth 2.0 client and click Create.
  7. Copy the “Client secret” and “Client ID”
  8. Add redirect URI to the list of Authorized redirect URIs

Here’s an example configuration file with the Google OAuth options:


Replace <your_client_id> and <your_client_secret> with the actual Client ID and secret obtained from the Google Developer Console.

GitHub OAuth

Flower also supports GitHub OAuth. Before getting started, Flower should be registered in Github Settings.

Github OAuth is activated by setting auth_provider to flower.views.auth.GithubLoginHandler. Here’s an example configuration file with the Github OAuth options:


Replace <your_client_id> and <your_client_secret> with the actual Client ID and secret obtained from the Github Settings.

See GitHub OAuth API docs for more info.

Okta OAuth

Flower also supports Okta OAuth. Before getting started, you need to register Flower in Okta. Okta OAuth is activated by setting auth_provider option to flower.views.auth.OktaLoginHandler.

Okta OAuth requires oauth2_key, oauth2_secret and oauth2_redirect_uri options which should be obtained from Okta. Okta OAuth also uses FLOWER_OAUTH2_OKTA_BASE_URL environment variable.

See Okta Okta OAuth API docs for more info.

GitLab OAuth

Flower also supports GitLab OAuth for authentication. To enable GitLab OAuth, follow the steps below:

  1. Register Flower as an application at GitLab. You can refer to the GitLab OAuth documentation for detailed instructions on how to do this.
  2. Once registered, you will obtain the credentials for Flower configuration.
  3. In your Flower configuration, set the following options to activate GitLab OAuth:
  4. (Optional) To restrict access to specific GitLab groups, you can utilize the FLOWER_GITLAB_AUTH_ALLOWED_GROUPS environment variable. Set it to a comma-separated list of allowed groups. You can include subgroups by using the / character. For example: group1,group2/subgroup.
  5. (Optional) The default minimum required group access level can be adjusted using the FLOWER_GITLAB_MIN_ACCESS_LEVEL environment variable.
  6. (Optional) The custom GitHub Domain can be adjusted using the FLOWER_GITLAB_OAUTH_DOMAIN environment variable.

For further details on GitLab OAuth and its implementation, refer to the Group and project members API documentation. It provides comprehensive information and guidelines on working with GitLab’s OAuth functionality.

See also GitLab OAuth2 API documentation for more info.